Creating Opportunities for Young People with a love of Musical Theatre
Established in 2023, Boom was a response to the limited opportunities in Cornwall due to its geographical location.
Established in 2023, Boom was a response to the limited opportunities in Cornwall due to its geographical location.
We are a. non profit organisation aiming to keep the costs as low as possible whilst providing the highest quality tutoring and production values.
We set the bar pretty high with our productions and aim to create productions with high production values across the costume and set and appreciative audiences. We were nominated in the NODA South West awards for best choreography and movement in South West Amateur production.
BOOM Theatre CIC has a duty of care to safeguard from harm all children and young people with whom it interacts. Children and young people occupy a central place within BOOM Theatre CIC and our work.
We strongly believe that all children and young people have the right to be treated fairly, justly and have the right to freedom from abuse and harm.
Our safeguarding policy details the legal requirements, organisational procedures and best practice as applicable to all persons working with our children and young people. This policy applies to the Company Director, Officers, Creatives, Chaperones including those who work on a volunteer and freelance basis. Our policy ensures that anyone working with BOOM Theatre are carefully selected and vetted, have the relevant qualifications and experience, and accept responsibility for helping to prevent the abuse of children and young people in their care.
We aim to offer comprehensive advice to all persons with regards to legal requirements and good practice. All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
We have procedures in place to address poor practice, and to help any child/young person who appears to be at risk, or who appears to be a victim of abuse. We will offer help and support when a child/young person tells us that they are affected by these issues.
We will work extensively with external agencies such as the NSPCC and the police to ensure, as far as possible, that children and young people are protected. We will not tolerate bullying. Incidents of bullying will be investigated and treated seriously. Action will be taken to stop the bullying.
Files coming soon.
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